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Category: CSS
css -- > link

ok, i'm working on a site and put in the links at the side just as text (as the pages they linked to are not designed yet).

i used the following css code for the <td> so that the text is red, and black when the mouse is over it.

td.menuoff {color: #ED1C24; }
td.menuon {color: #000000; }

<td class="menuoff" onmouseover="className='menuon';" onmouseout="className='menuoff';">Text Here</td>

But now i have some links that work. I put in <a href> tags before the "Text Here" and the text was just a black underlined link. I tried to then setup a "link style" as below:

link.menuoff {color: #ED1C24; text-decoration:none;}
link.menuon {color: #000000; text-decoration:none;}

<a href="" class="menuoff" onmouseover="className='menuon';" onmouseout="className='menuoff';">Link Here</a>

This however has not worked!! Can anyone help???



A {
color: red; text-decoration: none;

A:Hover {
color: blue; text-decoration: none;

Gee Wizz, thanks mate. ;)

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